Picture Hanging Hacks

If you’ve recently moved into a new home or you’re looking to refresh your current living space, hanging pictures can add a personal touch and make your house feel more like a home. However, we understand that the task of hanging pictures can often go wrong with wonky pictures that don’t look as good as you would like. Which is why, in this article, we are here to provide you with some handy tips and tricks for picture hanging. From measuring and marking to selecting the right wall fixings, we have you covered.

Measure Twice, Hang Once

The age-old adage of “measure twice, cut once” is an essential rule for many DIY projects, and it’s no less critical when it comes to hanging pictures. There are a few key measurements to consider:

  1. Height: The centre of the picture should be at eye level, which for most people is about 57-60 inches from the floor.
  2. Spacing: If you’re creating a gallery wall, aim for consistent spacing between your pictures. A gap of about 2-3 inches is generally pleasing to the eye.
  3. Wall Proportion: When hanging a picture over a piece of furniture, like a sofa or console table, the artwork should not exceed two-thirds the width of the furniture.

Use a tape measure for accurate results, and a spirit level to ensure your pictures hang straight. Mark lightly with a pencil where you want the fixing to go.

Choosing the Right Fixings

Not all walls are created equal, and the type of wall can dictate the kind of fixings you need.

Plasterboard Walls: For lighter frames, a standard picture hook should suffice. For heavier items, consider using a toggle or molly bolt. These fixings have ‘wings’ that open behind the plasterboard to distribute weight.

Solid Walls: Brick or masonry walls require wall plugs and screws. The plug expands as the screw is driven in, providing a secure hold.

Wooden Walls: Use wood screws. Remember, it’s often better to drill a pilot hole first to prevent the wood from splitting.

Command Strips: A Renter’s Best Friend

If you’re renting your property, the prospect of drilling into walls might be a no-go. Thankfully, command strips provide an excellent, non-damaging alternative. These adhesive strips can hold a surprising amount of weight and are easy to remove without leaving marks or damage. However, they work best on smooth surfaces, so textured or wallpapered walls might present a challenge.

The Process of Hanging

Once you’ve chosen the right fixing, it’s time to hang your picture.

  1. Mark the spot: Use your measurements and mark the spot where you want to hang your picture. If you’re using a picture hook or nail, you’ll mark where you want the top of the picture to hang. For other types of fixings, like screws, the marking will represent the centre of the artwork.
  2. Fix the hardware: Install your selected wall fixing. If you’re drilling, remember to wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from dust and flying debris.
  3. Hang and level your picture: Place your picture on the fixing and use a spirit level to ensure it’s straight. You might need a friend’s help for this step, especially for larger pieces.

The Art of Gallery Walls

Creating a gallery wall is a fantastic way to show off multiple pictures and artworks. It’s not just about hanging pictures randomly, there’s a bit of science involved.

Plan the Layout: Start by laying out your pictures on the floor. This gives you the chance to experiment with different arrangements before making any holes in the wall. Remember to maintain consistent spacing between each frame, about 2-3 inches typically looks the best. Also, try to balance larger pictures with smaller ones to create visual harmony.

Start in the Middle: When you’re happy with your layout, start hanging from the middle and work your way out. This method allows for better balance and easier adjustments.

Template Trick: To make the process even simpler, consider creating templates of your pictures with old newspaper or baking paper. Mark where the nail or hook needs to go on the template. Then tape the templates to the wall and install the fixings through the mark on the template. Once the fixing is installed, remove the template and hang your picture.

Level and Align: Always use a spirit level to ensure your pictures are straight. As you hang each picture, take a step back to ensure the arrangement looks balanced and harmonious.

A well-curated gallery wall can be a stunning focal point in your home, telling a unique story through your chosen images and frames.

By following these tips, you can transform your living space into a personalised and beautiful sanctuary filled with your favourite artworks and memories.

Hanging pictures doesn’t have to be a chore. With a little preparation, the right tools, and by following our hacks, you can confidently decorate your home to reflect your personal style. Whether you’re a homeowner or a tenant, there are solutions to suit every need.