How to Rent Guide 2023

Embarking on your journey as a first-time tenant can be thrilling, but it can also be replete with questions and concerns. Renting a home for the first time can seem daunting, especially with a multitude of regulations and guidelines to be aware of. To help you navigate this, we have summarised the government’s How To Rent guide. It is essential that any prospective renter in the UK is familiar with this guide and a copy should be given to you by your landlord or letting agent.

Understanding Your Rental Rights

Before entering any rental agreement, it’s pivotal to understand your rights. The government has stipulated guidelines to ensure the rights of both tenants and landlords are upheld. As a tenant, you have the right to:

  • Live in a property that’s safe and in a good state of repair.
  • Have your deposit returned to you.
  • Know who your landlord is.
  • Live in the property undisturbed.
  • See an Energy Performance Certificate for the property.
  • Be protected from unfair eviction and unfair rent.

Before You Start Your Property Search

Ensure you’re well-prepared and informed to make the best decision for your housing needs:

Affordability: Make a checklist of monthly expenditures. This will help determine a budget for your rent, factoring in other costs like utility bills, council tax, and general living costs.

Type of Property: Decide whether you’re looking for a shared accommodation, a flat, or a house.

Location: Commuting times, local amenities, and safety are significant factors when choosing a location.

Searching for Your New Home
Embarking on the hunt for your ideal home requires careful consideration, research, and due diligence.

Agents and Landlords: Always opt for agents associated with professional bodies like ARLA Propertymark, NALS, RICS, or UKALA. When dealing directly with landlords, ensure they have a good reputation.

Viewings: Never rush. Always inspect the property thoroughly, check for signs of dampness, ask about safety checks, and see how secure the property is.

Deposits: Before transferring any money, verify that it will be placed in a government-approved deposit protection scheme.

Securing Your New Home

Once you’ve found your potential home, the next crucial step is to navigate the process of securing it.

Rental Agreement: Always read and understand your tenancy agreement before signing. These agreements set out the rights and responsibilities of both the tenant and landlord.

Safety Checks: Make sure that the property has had recent gas safety, electrical safety, and energy performance checks etc.

Inventory: An inventory is a detailed list of everything in the property and its condition. This can be crucial when it’s time to get your deposit back, so check through the inventory carefully.

During Your Tenancy

Navigating the course of your tenancy requires clear communication, timely responsibilities, and an understanding of both your rights and obligations.

Maintenance: Report any required repairs to your landlord. They’re responsible for most repairs in and around the property. Maks sure you report these as they arise to prevent a small issue becoming a much bigger problem.

Rent: Always pay your rent on time. If you face difficulties, inform your landlord immediately.

Rights: You have the right to know where your deposit is protected, to get it back, to challenge deductions, and to have the property in a good condition.

Ending Your Tenancy

As your tenancy draws to a close, it’s essential to ensure a smooth and amicable transition for both parties involved.

Notice Period: Understand the notice period which is typically outlined in the tenancy agreement.

Property Condition: The property should be returned in the condition you found it, accounting for normal wear and tear.

Deposit Return: Make sure to ask for your deposit back and agree on any deductions, if applicable.

Facing Eviction

If your landlord wishes to evict you, they must follow the correct legal procedure. Knowing your rights can help you take action if faced with an unfair eviction.

Final Word

Renting can be a rewarding experience if done correctly. Armed with the right knowledge and understanding of your rights, you can have a smooth tenancy experience. While this guide provides a summarised version, it is highly recommended to go through the full government guide, How To Rent, which can be accessed here.